White Christmas?

Who will wake up to a snow covered ground on Monday, December 25th?? Well it really depends on what part of the country your in, so let's dive in...

For the northeast many of us woke up to a refreshing sight this morning after some warm temperatures and rain yesterday. But this lake effect will be short lived, just enough to coat the ground and a quick 3-6" on the hill. Tomorrow, Thursday, remains cold but with little chance of any precipitation. Friday the snow returns, how much we do not know, but it doesn't really matter as a warm front quickly moves in Friday night bringing a lot of rain Saturday (insert frowny face). The cold returns Saturday night but it may be too late, but it's still to early to tell. Stay up to date with Upstatesnow.com.

As for the Midwest you too will experience some ups and downs this week, with a pretty quiet Wednesday. Some little snowfall will occur throughout northern MN, WI, and the UP tonight into Thursday but nothing crazy. Friday and Saturday look to pretty quiet, with temperatures right around freezing. The arctic air returns Saturday night into early next week, bringing the possibility of some significant snowfall over, especially for the UP and northern MN and WI. You're odds of seeing a white Christmas appear to be pretty good... but for more check out JohnDee.com.

Now what in the world is happening out west, where's all the snow?? With much of the Rocky Mountains experiencing unseasonable weather for the greater part of December winter weather looks to try to make a comeback late in the month. A storm system appears to be moving in late this week and could dump a couple feet in the highest peaks of ID and NW MT. A foot of snow can be expected in the mountains of UT, WY, and CO... for more details visit Rocky Mountain Sled Conditions Facebook page.