


Finally, our first big storm of 2019 will impact everyone from the Midwest plains to the tip of New England and we couldn't be more excited! So the...

When does Winter return?

When does Winter return?

For us here in Upstate New York we haven't necessarily had the most stellar start to 2019 like we'd hoped. So when will mother nature get here head...

Daikers New Year's Party

Daikers New Year's Party

If you've ever been to Old Forge, NY you're no stranger to Daikers bar and grill... overlooking 4th Lake it is a must stop when riding/visiting in ...

Will we see a White Christmas?

Will we see a White Christmas?

*Sigh* Our hopes are diminishing by the minute... has released their prediction for the end of 2018 and to be straightforward it fla...

Old Forge Snodeo Recap

Old Forge Snodeo Recap

This past weekend we headed to Old Forge, NY for the 41st Annual Snodeo event. And wow what a start to the season, trails were awesome, the shootou...

Will we be able to ride this weekend??

Will we be able to ride this weekend??

The million dollar question everyone is dying to know... what's the snow conditions like up north and what are the chances we will be able to ride ...

Winter Schedule

Winter Schedule

We've put together our 2018/19 Winter Schedule and we're coming to a trail system near you. We'll be hosting demo rides (more to be added), throwi...

It's Wet and it's Heavy!

It's Wet and it's Heavy!

Well the rain has officially switched over to snow and it's coming down! Some areas have already accumulated close to 2' of wet heavy snow overnigh...

Bitter Cold Thanksgiving

Bitter Cold Thanksgiving

It's almost our favorite day of the year, only to be rivaled by the first ride of the year... Thanksgiving! And this year mother nature could shake...

Winter Kickoff Party

Winter Kickoff Party

The snow has begun to fall and we're getting pretty excited as the riding season fast approaches... sounds like a reason to celebrate. Join us for ...

First Big Storm of the Year?

First Big Storm of the Year?

It's not even Thanksgiving and we're already talking about the first major storm system of the year! The guys over at seem to be pr...

Black Friday

Black Friday

'Tis the season for giving, and we're giving you the gift of handling! Purchase any complete set of Curve skis and receive a free set of 4" carbide...